Andreas Beutel
Since 1973 I live in Dresden. After finishing school my interest in Free Energy, Geometry and Astronomy started.
My fascination for the stars led me to open an observatory in Dresden from 1995 to 1998. At the same time I started to study physics at the technical University Dresden. Starting from this my focus widened from classical science to consciousness and meditation.
In 1996 I came in contact with Drunvalo Melchizedek for the first time. After getting the training from him I started to teach his Mer-Ka-Ba Meditation and his knowledge about sacred geometry 1997 in german speaking countries. During this way my awareness shiftet more and more from my mental side to emotional work, studiing ways to opening the heart and meeting with our inner child. Today I teach a balanced way between our mental and emotional side.
Over time I studied many aspects of sacred geometry like geometry, architecture, harmonics and cymatics, astronomy, music, overtonesinging and so on.
All these topics are part of my teachings at the Pythagoras Institute Dresden which I founded 1999.
All results from my explorations are now teached all around europe in lectures, conferences and seminars. Beside many conferences I've been invited, there are many lectures to be found on youtube or DVD. I wrote three books that are availible in english and 7 other languages.
I'm father of a wonderful daughter.